Horse Riding has got about twelve different disciplines, today we are going to be talking about one of them: Horse Jumping.
It consists in the horse jumping over a number of obstacles in a circuit already studied by the rider before.
The height, the number of obstacles and the lenght of the circuit depends on the age and the level of the horse and of the rider.
There are three different types of jumps. The upright jump, the oxer and the combination.
The easiest one for the horse is normally the oxer because the horse can see the jump better.
Now we are going to talk about the scoring:
Everytime the horse knocks down the bar, or stops, it gets +4 points.
So the maximun score is 0 points that means you have done a perfect circuit. If you fall of the horse you are out of the competitio so you lose.
In the case that more than one rider has 0 points, the rider that has spent the minimun time to complete the circuit would win.
And thats all for today.