jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

14 Facts You Didn’t Know About Horses

Today we are going to explain you 14 facts about  horses. So let’s get started!

1. Horses cannot breathe through their mouths.

For breathing they use only their nostrils.

2. This is an  Akhal-Teke horse, the most beautiful horse in the world!

These horses can be found in Turkmenistan

3. Horses can do yoga.
4. There are more horses in Mongolia than people.

The amount of horses in Mongolia exceeds 2.5 million.

5. Hippophobia is the fear of horses.

6. Horses like sweet flavors and will usually reject anything sour or bitter.

They always enjoy to be treated to carrots, apples and oats.

7. Horses teeth never stop growing.
Horses have to chew rough grasses that wear down the teeth – if the teeth do not regenerate an animal would soon be left with nothing but gums.

8. Horses can not vomit.

If the animal overeats as he can't be sick, he coulg have a colic and die.

9. Horses have 16 muscles in each ear, allowing them to rotate their ears 180 degrees.
If you see the ears of the horse flop down, it means the animal get relaxed.

10. Ponies live longer than horses and can live well into their 50′s.

The average life span for hoses varies from 15 to 40 years old, in captivity they live less.

11. Horses with pink skin can get a sunburn.

They may even have a skin cancer.

12 Horses have a great long term memory, (especially for places they were spooked).

Even after a long separation they remember humans who treated them well.

13.The oldest horse on record lived to the age of 62 and died in 1822. 

The oldest horse ever known was named Old Billy, it died on November 27, 1822 near Manchester.

14. Horses have 7 common blood types (A, C, D, K, P, Q, U).

The eighth time is not internationally recognized and called T type.

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